从智能决策支持系统 (IDSS)的问题处理方式和空调冷热源设计过程的特点出发 ,论述了IDSS的领域适用性。开发了一个用于空调冷热源方案选择的智能决策支持系统模型软件CIDSS ,并在某大楼集中空调冷热源辅助选型中取得了满意的效果。该软件在专业知识整理、知识表达及推理、C语言实现和多目标决策技术等方面做了一些尝试。
Based on the problem solving method of IDSS and the design process of air conditioning cold and heat source, the field applicability of IDSS is discussed. An intelligent decision support system modeling software CIDSS was developed for the air-conditioning hot and cold source option selection and achieved satisfactory results in the auxiliary selection of hot and cold air sources in a building. The software has done some attempts in such fields as finishing of professional knowledge, knowledge expression and reasoning, C language implementation and multi-objective decision-making techniques.