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原陈朝辅国太师胡理元篡夺陈氏权柄而建立胡朝 ,胡氏为王之后 ,推行有利于社会发展的新政 (如改革朝纲、限制名田、限制蓄奴和奴婢、定税制、发行纸币、统一度量衡等 ) ,但新政如昙花一现即告失败 ,其根本原因在于缺乏改革的政治、经济和阶级基础。胡氏得国伊始 ,多次急欲举兵北侵中国 ,南伐占城国 ,使新政权失去国内人士和大明的支持 ,终于失国。 15世纪初 ,明入越的深刻原因在于胡氏派兵屡次寇边 ,侵占广西边陲诸地 ;再者胡氏父子发兵侵掠占城国土 ,占王一再遣使向明朝求援 ,明朝被迫出兵入越 ,以回击胡氏对中、占之入侵。越属明 2 0余载 ,推行一系列有利于社会进步的重要措施 ,如发展生产、繁荣经济、输入汉文化、官复原职、军复原伍、民复旧业、废除胡朝一切苛捐杂税、鳏寡孤独者设养济院收容、凡有德之士均被启用、重定税制、减轻赋税、奖励开垦田粮桑丝、以利生产 ;设立驿站、发展交通、鼓励中越文化交流、发展汉越文化等。明朝对越南封建社会政治、经济、文化的发展起了推动作用。上述诸事 ,我国史学界鲜有评述 ,而近年来某国学者有不实之说 ,为此 ,正本清源 ,勘正讹误 ,还历史真相。 After the establishment of the Hu Chau and King Hussein by usurping Chen’s authority, the former prime minister of the DPRK and the Central Government of the Chen Dynasty promoted the implementation of the new policies conducive to social development (such as reforming the proletariat, restricting the celebrity field, restricting slavery and slaves, establishing taxation system, issuing banknotes and reunification Measurement, etc.). However, the New Deal, if short-lived, fails immediately. Its fundamental reason lies in the lack of the political, economic and class basis of the reform. At the beginning of the Hu’s motherland, he repeatedly lost his urgency to raise his troops to the north and invaded the country, leaving the new regime without the support of domestic people and the Daming people and eventually losing his country. At the beginning of the 15th century, the deeper reason for becoming more involved was that Hu sent troops repeatedly to invade the border areas of Guangxi. Moreover, his father and son sent troops to invade and occupy the land of the city. Wang once again sent an envoy to the Ming Dynasty for help and the Ming Dynasty was forced to send troops Into the more to fight back Hu’s pair, accounting for the invasion. The more they belong to the Ming Dynasty, there are a series of important measures that are conducive to social progress, such as the development of production, the prosperity of the economy, the entry into the Han culture, the restoration of the government, the restoration of the army, the restoration of the old businesses, the abolition of all the excesses and taxes, Set up the nongovernmental institution to accept, all the virtuous people are enabled, re-set the tax system, reduce taxes, reward reclamation land Sangsi, to facilitate the production; establishment of post, development of traffic, encourage Sino-Vietnamese cultural exchanges, the development of Chinese culture. The Ming Dynasty played a catalytic role in the political, economic and cultural development of Vietnam’s feudal society. There are few comments on the above-mentioned things in China’s historiography circles. In recent years, scholars of a certain country have made false statements. For this reason, the original sources, corroboration and correction are still the historical truths.
报道了一起在疏通下水道时发生的急性硫化氢中毒死亡事故 ,提示要加强疏通下水道人员的职业卫生知识教育。 Reported the accidental death of acute hydrogen sulfide pois
采用MATRIXX 的可视化、模块化开发工具 ,建立水力学仿真系统在国内尚属首次 ,同以往的水力学计算分析软件具有不同的开发思想。它具有使用方便 ,易于模型的替换和参数的修改。该系统能够满足万家寨引黄工程水力学仿真分析工作要求。此外 ,利用已开发的各模块 ,也可很方便的构成其它现类似的仿真系统
根据孕镶金刚石钻头钻进时的排粉要求 ,对钻头的金刚石粒度与钻头钻速之间的关系进行了理论分析与计算 ,得出了它们间的量化公式 ,列出了可作为钻头设计的参数数据实例 ,这些
选择广州作为研究对象 ,在分析办公活动增长趋势的基础上 ,对广州办公活动空间分布格局的变化特征进行了讨论。结果表明 ,改革开放以来办公活动整体集聚程度有所下降 ,但市中心的就业密度集聚上升 ,就业密度增长速度在空间上不连续。广州市办公活动空间分布呈现出与西方国家大都市办公活动空间分布不同的特征。进一步分析表明 ,政策是形成广州办公活动空间分布格局的关键因素 ,西方区位理论在目前阶段还不完全适用于中
文章分析了澳门城市形成和发展的历史基础 ,其性质和功能特点 ,当前的经济结构状况及其发展条件。在此基础上指出了它的发展方向 ,以及在中国恢复行使主权和特别行政区高度自治 (“一国两制”)条件下的区域经济一体化的途径。
何炳松是我国著名的历史学家、出版家和教育家。他较早引进西洋史学 ,并注意将西洋史学原理与中国传统史学对比和贯通 ,对历史学中的许多概念作了科学的解释。他较早将中国史