20世纪80年代以来,形象改造已成为日间电视的一个主打节目,带有诸如《珍妮·琼斯秀》(The Jenny Jones Show)和《萨莉·杰茜·拉斐尔秀》(Sally Jessy Raphael)这样的脱口秀节目的特色(布莱蒂奇,7;霍尔-加拉格尔与皮考特-赫伯特,60)。尽管像《什么不要穿》(What Not to Wear)和《改头换面》(Extreme Makeover)这样的黄金时段形象改造节目是最近才出现的现象,但无论在屏幕上,还是刊物上,尤其作为女性杂志的核心要素,“形象改造”这个想法都由来已久。
Since the 1980s, the image transformation has become a major feature of daytime television with programs such as The Jenny Jones Show and Sally Jessy Raphael Features of such talk shows (Bretti, 7; Hall - Gallagher and Piccate - Herbert, 60). Although recently remake shows have been created for prime time spots like “What Not to Wear” and “Extreme Makeover,” both on the screen and in magazines, especially as women’s magazines The core elements, “image transformation ” This idea has a long history.