加入WTO ,地方政府行政模式应向服务型、治理型、责任型和效能型转变。服务型模式是相对于经济社会领域而言的行政模式 ,治理型模式是相对于社会政治领域而言的行政模式 ,责任型模式是相对于政府政治领域而言的行政模式 ,效能型模式是相对于整体和结果而言的行政模式。本文还分别对建设服务型、治理型、责任型、效能型地方政府行政模式的理论与实现途径进行了探讨
With accession to the WTO, the mode of local government administration should shift from service-oriented, governance-oriented, responsibility-oriented and efficiency-oriented. The service model is an administrative model relative to the economic and social field. The model of governance is the administrative model relative to the social and political realms. The model of responsibility is the administrative model relative to the government’s political field. The model of the effective model is relative The overall and results of the administrative model. This article also discusses the construction of service-oriented, governance, responsibility, efficiency of the local government model of the theory and implementation of the approach