2004 年,西班牙导演卡洛斯·绍拉与中国有缘。早在 6 月,绍拉携一举夺得 2002 年蒙特利尔国际电影节艺术大奖的《莎乐美》亮相申城,参加 2004年上海国际电影节;在11月11日、12 日,绍拉执导的舞剧《莎乐美》在北京保利剧院上演,带来了一股充满异域风情的热舞旋风;而关于绍拉先生最近的消息,是他的《第七日》获2004年加拿大蒙特利尔电影节最佳电影奖…… 曾在六月的上海国际电影节上,绍拉导演和他的学生曼努埃尔·古蒂雷斯·阿拉贡导演与影迷面对面的座谈,给人们留下深刻印象:满头银发、岁入古稀的绍拉先生,依然精神矍铄,思路清晰,侃侃而谈,从容地谈起自己的从艺、从影史,以及自己的艺术观。在《莎乐美》舞动京城之际,我们怀着对大师的崇敬之情,追寻着大师的创作历程。
In 2004, Carlos Saura, Spanish director, has a connection with China. As early as June, Shara took the “Salome”, winner of the 2002 Montreal International Film Festival Award, to Shanghai for the 2004 Shanghai International Film Festival. On November 11 and 12, Shaula directed The ballet “Salome” staged at the Poly Theater in Beijing brought an exotic whirlwind of exotic dance; and the latest news about Mr. Saura was his “Day 7” won the Montreal Festival of Canada in 2004 Movie Awards ... In the June Shanghai International Film Festival, Director Saura and his student Manuel Gutires Aragon directed face-to-face talks with the fans, leaving a deep impression: Silver hair, age-old Mr. Shara, still energetic, clear-cut thinking, talkative, calmly talk about his art, from the history of the film, as well as his own view of art. In the “Salome” dancing in the capital, we cherish the respect of the master, the pursuit of the master's creative journey.