Baseband bipolar optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) system, using code polarity conversion idea, to achieve unipolar channel under the non-ideal channel transmission bipolar code. The application of Gold sequence and m sequence in the system and the influence of transmission channel on the performance of optical code division multiple access system are studied. The autocorrelation and cross-correlation of bipolar code in optical code division multiple access system are simulated. The relationship between the number of code division multiple access system users and bit error rate and the system performance impact curve based on non-ideal transmission channel. The results show that the Gold sequence and the m sequence are suitable for bipolar optical code division multiple access system. However, the Gold sequence is more suitable for the bipolar optical code division multiple access system than the m sequence. When the system activates the number of users is 20, Rate respectively reached 10-9,10-7, non-ideal transmission channel has a greater impact on system performance (deterioration of nearly 20dB), in system research can not be ignored.