嗜甲症常见于幼童及小学生这一年龄段的少年儿童,成人少见。表现为甲缘残缺不整,甚至指甲变形、变色剥离,并伴有一些其它的临床表现。 患者刑某某,男,19岁,于1997—8月就诊。患儿身材矮小,体瘦,唇红,双手指甲缘可见残缺不整,伴有胃纳佳、消谷善饥饥,喜食香辣,口干便秘,舌质红,有裂纹,苔黄,脉滑实。治宜清胃泻火为主。基本方药:生石膏30g(先干),知母20g、生甘草10g、枸杞子20g、生地20g、沙参20g、槟榔10g、使君子10g、蛇床子10g、大黄10g(后干),随症加减治疗1个月,并配合针刺治疗,取穴:外关、足三里、补曲泉、太冲,每周1~2次;1个月后完全治愈,双手均长出新甲,兼症消
Athyroidism is common in young children and primary school children in this age group, adults rare. Manifested as incomplete edge, nail or even deformation, discoloration peeling, accompanied by some other clinical manifestations. Patient Xun Mou, male, 19 years old, in 1997 - August treatment. Children with short stature, body lean, lip red, nails edge can be seen incomplete fragmentation, accompanied by stomach Najia, eliminate Valley good hunger, eat spicy, dry mouth constipation, red tongue, cracked, yellow moss Slippery solid. Expelling qi and stomach fire-based. Basic prescription drugs: gypsum 30g (first dry), Anemarrhena 20g, raw licorice 10g, medlar 20g, habitat 20g, Radix 20g, betel nut 10g, so gentleman 10g, Cnidium 10g, rhubarb 10g (after dry) Subtraction of treatment for 1 month, and with acupuncture treatment, acupoints: foreign relations, Zusanli, Buququan, Taichong, 1 or 2 times a week; 1 month after the complete cure, both hands are growing new A, and Disorder