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口腔癌是消化道习见的癌瘤。据天津市防癌小组所收集1849—1959年10来的16.572例肿瘤资料统计,口腔癌发病占全身恶性肿瘤的第六位,仅次于子宫颈癌、乳腺癌、食管癌、鼻咽癌和胃癌。虽然口腔癌的部位比较显露而容易发现,但治疗结果并不满意。至今5年,治愈率仍在17—25%之间。国内尚缺乏有关疗效的报导。天津市人民医院瘤科自1953至1857年5年中,治疗原发性口腔粘膜癌共94例(包括金显宅1957年以前所行之9例舌癌颂、颈联合切除术患者),本文将其疗效加以分析总结。临床病理本组94例,均经病理证实为鳞状上皮癌。其中74例可以病理分级,计Ⅰ级31例,Ⅱ级34例,Ⅲ级6例,Ⅳ级3例。另性67例,女性27例。最幼者28岁,最老者81岁,平均年龄54.2岁。本组按本院临床分期法分类如下:舌癌39例中,除2例记載不详外,Ⅰ期3例,Ⅱ期16例,Ⅲ期16例,Ⅳ期2例,皆为舌前2/3癌。齦癌25例中, Oral cancer is a cancerous tumor that is commonly seen in the digestive tract. According to the statistical data of 16.572 tumors collected by the Tianjin Cancer Prevention Team from 1849 to 1959, the incidence of oral cancer accounts for the sixth most common malignant tumor, second only to cervical cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, and Gastric cancer. Although the site of oral cancer is more visible and easier to find, the treatment results are not satisfactory. For the past five years, the cure rate is still between 17-25%. There is still no report on efficacy in China. In the Department of Oncology of Tianjin People’s Hospital from 1953 to 1857, a total of 94 cases of primary oral mucosal cancer were treated (including 9 cases of tongue cancer and cervical resection performed by Jin Xian Zhai before 1957). The efficacy was analyzed and summarized. 94 cases of clinical pathology were confirmed by pathology as squamous cell carcinoma. Among them, 74 cases were pathologically graded, including 31 in grade I, 34 in grade II, 6 in grade III, and 3 in grade IV. Another 67 cases, 27 cases of women. The youngest 28 years old, the oldest 81 years old, the average age of 54.2 years old. The group was classified according to the clinical staging method of this hospital as follows: Of the 39 cases of tongue cancer, 3 cases were in phase I, 16 in stage II, 16 in stage III, and 2 in stage IV, except for 2 cases whose records were unknown. /3 cancer. In 25 cases of cancer,
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本文所述,是发生在太平洋上一起渔船遇难事件。故事真实,情节惊险。欲知全文如何,请看下文。不幸遇难 1981年6月7日下午2点,"奥德赛,号拖网渔船由经验丰富的船长加里·卡廷驾
髓母细胞瘤常发生脊髓转移,一般皆于手术后进行脊髓部 X 线放射治疗以作预防或治疗,也有人经腰穿将放射性胶体金注入蛛网膜下腔以达到同样目的。但脊髓部 X 线照射须于原发