安庆素称戏曲之乡,不仅清末民初,灿若群星的皖江籍戏曲艺人,名噪北京,早在乾隆时期,就有一批名伶,活跃于燕都剧场。最近北京图书馆,把珍藏多年外界罕见的戏曲史料《消寒新咏》公诸于世,以确凿有力的事实,证明安庆这块土地,是一座名副其实的群芳荟萃的艺术花圃。 该书作者三人,未署真名,只题别号为“铁桥仙人”、“石
Anqing known as the hometown of drama, not only the late Qing and early Republican, Canruo stars Wanjiang opera artists, fame Beijing, as early as the Qianlong period, there is a group of famous actors, are active in the theater. Recently, the Beijing Library made a public demonstration of the new ancestral portrayal of the exterminating drama of the Han Dynasty, a historical opera documentary that has been rare for many years in the world. It shows that the plot of Anqing is truly an art garden with many amenity groups. The author of the book three, not signed real names, only alias “Tieqiao immortal,” "Stone