我科于1989年5月20日,收治1例舌下腺混合瘤患者,此病据文献报道好发于腮腺及颌下腺。而发生在舌下腺者较少见,现将此病例介绍于下:患者姜×,女,56岁。住院号:228175,左侧舌下缓慢渐增性肿物约10年,现已如核桃大,有时疼痛,曾多次用药治疗无好转。我院就诊为,舌下腺混合瘤,于5月20日收入住院。体验:全身情况良好。口腔科情况:舌下左侧见一隆起触及明显肿物约3×3 cm 大,质硬,表面光滑,
On May 20, 1989, our department treated 1 patient with mixed sublingual gland tumors. This disease was reported in the parotid and submandibular glands. The occurrence of sublingual glands is less common, and this case is described as follows: Patient Jiang X, female, 56 years old. Hospital No.: 228175. The slowly growing mass under the tongue on the left side is about 10 years old. Now it is as large as a walnut, and sometimes it is painful. There have been no improvement in medication. In our hospital, a mixed sublingual gland tumor was admitted to hospital on May 20. Experience: The whole body is in good condition. Department of Stomatology: A bulge on the left side of the tongue touches a prominent mass of about 3 x 3 cm, with a hard surface and a smooth surface.