
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sysylh
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1989年全国各级物价监督检查机构认真贯彻执行“治理、整顿、深化改革”的方针,进一步强化物价监督检查。在广泛、深入地开展日常市场物价检查的同时,集中力量对重点行业、重要商品如工农业生产资料价格、交通运输价格、行政事业收费等的执行情况进行了检查。其声势大于往年,覆盖面广于往年,深度甚于往年,取得了近年来最好的成绩,对稳定市场物价和社会人心的安定起了一定作用。 In 1989, all levels of price supervision and inspection agencies across the country conscientiously implemented the principle of “governance, rectification, and deepening reforms,” ​​and further strengthened price supervision and inspection. While carrying out extensive and in-depth daily commodity price inspections, they have concentrated their efforts on checking the implementation of key industries, important commodities such as industrial and agricultural production materials, transportation prices, and administrative fees. Its momentum is greater than in previous years, coverage is wider than in previous years, depth is greater than in previous years, has achieved the best results in recent years, played a certain role in stabilizing the market price and social stability.
辽宁省价格研究所与有关部门最近召开关于辽宁省当前市场物价形势分析与预测座谈会。会议就上半年辽宁省市场物价态势进行了分析,对今年下半年的市场物价走向进行了预 The
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