在伊朗德黑兰,1993年11月6日至11日举行了世界手工艺理事会第17届亚洲太平洋地区年会。参加年会的有18个国家的代表和专家150多名。会议讨论了传统手工艺品在国际市场的机遇问题。 传统手工艺是一个国家文化艺术遗产的重要组成部分,它充分表现了人民的创造力和艺术智慧,人民的思想、愿望和生活方式等。自从本世纪60年代以来,欧美等国家开始掀起“手工艺复兴运动”。传统手工艺品以它天然的材料、精巧的手工技艺、独特的艺术风格越
In Tehran, Iran, the 17th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the World Crafts Council was held from November 6th to 11th, 1993. More than 150 representatives and experts from 18 countries attended the annual meeting. The meeting discussed the opportunities for traditional handicrafts in the international market. Traditional arts and crafts is an important part of a country’s cultural and artistic heritage. It fully expresses people’s creativity and artistic wisdom, people’s thoughts, aspirations, and lifestyles. Since the 1960s, countries such as Europe and the United States have begun to set off a “craft revival movement.” The more traditional arts and crafts use its natural materials, exquisite craftsmanship, and unique artistic styles.