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  It could not have been easy being Elliott Roosevelt. If the alcohol wasn’t getting him, the 1)morphine was. If it wasn’t the morphine, it was the struggle with depression. Then, of course, there were the constant comparisons with big brother Teddy who later became President at age 42.
  Elliott Roosevelt was not the only younger sibling of an 2)eventual President to cause his family heartaches—or at least headaches. There was Roger Clinton and his year in jail on a
  cocaine conviction. And there is Neil Bush, younger sib of both a President and a Governor, implicated in the savings-and-loan scandals of the 1980s.
  It can’t be easy being a 3)runt in a litter that includes a President. But it couldn’t have been easy being Billy Ripken either, an unexceptional major league 4)infielder craning his neck for notice while the press swarmed around Hall of Famer and elder brother Cal. And you may have never heard of Tisa Farrow, an actress of no particular note beyond her work in the 1979 horror film 5)Zombie, but odds are you’ve heard of her sister 6)Mia.
  Of all the things that shape who we are, few seem more arbitrary than the sequence in which we and our siblings 7)pop out of the womb. Maybe it’s your genes that make you a gifted athlete, your training that makes you an accomplished actress, an accident of brain chemistry that makes you a drunk instead of a President. But in family after family, case study after case study, the simple roll of the birth-date 8)dice has an odd and arbitrary power all its own.
  In June 2008, a group of Norwegian researchers released a study showing that firstborns are generally smarter than any siblings who come along later, enjoying on average a three-point IQ advantage over the next eldest—probably a result of the intellectual boost that comes from mentoring younger siblings and helping them in day-to-day tasks. The second child, in turn, is a point ahead of the third. While three points might not seem like much, the effect can be enormous. “In many
  families,” says psychologist Frank Sulloway, the man who has for decades been seen as the U.S.’s leading authority on birth order, “the firstborn is going to get into Harvard and the second-born isn’t.”
  The differences don’t stop there. Studies in the Philippines show that later-born siblings tend to be shorter and weigh less than earlier-borns. Younger siblings are less likely to be 9)vaccinated than older ones, with last-borns getting immunized sometimes at only half the rate of
  firstborns. Eldest siblings are also disproportionately represented in high-paying professions. Younger siblings, by contrast, are 10)looser cannons and less educated, but statistically likelier to live the exhilarating life of an artist or a comedian, an adventurer, entrepreneur or firefighter. And middle children? Well, they can be a puzzle—even to researchers.
  For families, none of this comes as a surprise. There are few extended clans that can’t point to the firstborn, who makes the best grades, keeps the other kids in line and, when Mom and Dad grow old, winds up as caretaker and executor too. There are few that can’t point to the lost-in-the-thickets middle-born or the wild-child last-born.
  While the eldest in an overpopulated brood has it relatively easy—getting 100% of the food the parents have available—things get stretched thinner when a second-born comes along. Later-borns put even more pressure on resources. Over time, everyone might be getting the same rations, but the firstborn still enjoys a caloric 11)head start that might never be overcome.
  Food is not the only resource. There’s time and attention too and the emotional nourishment they
  provide. It’s not for nothing that family scrapbooks are usually stuffed with pictures and report cards of the firstborn and successively fewer of the later-borns. Educational opportunities can be unevenly shared too, particularly in families that can afford the tuition bills of only one child. Families invest a lot in the firstborn. And they thrive. In a recent survey of corporate heads conducted by 12)Vistage, an international organization of CEOs, poll takers reported that 43% of the people who occupy the big chair in boardrooms are firstborns, 33% are middle-borns and 23% are last-borns. Eldest siblings are disproportionately represented among surgeons and MBAs too, according to Stanford University psychologist Robert Zajonc.
  For eldest siblings, this is a pretty sweet deal. There is not much incentive for them to change a family system that provides them so many goodies, and typically they don’t try to. Younger siblings see things differently and struggle early on to shake up the existing order. They clearly don’t have size on their side, as their physically larger siblings keep them in line with what researchers call a high-power strategy.
  But there are low-power strategies too, and one of the most effective ones is humor. It’s awfully hard to resist the charms of someone who can make you laugh, and families abound with stories of last-borns who are the 13)clowns of the brood, able to get their way simply by being funny or outrageous. Birth-order scholars often observe that some of history’s great satirists—Voltaire, 14)Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain—were among the youngest members of large families, a pattern that continues today. American comedian 15)Stephen Colbert—who yields to no one in his ability to get a laugh—often points out that he’s the last of 11 children. Such examples might be little more than anecdotal, but personality tests show that while firstborns score especially well on the dimension of temperament known as conscientiousness—a sense of general responsibility and follow-through—later-borns score higher on what’s known as agreeableness, or the simple ability to get along in the world.
  Later-borns are similarly willing to take risks with their physical safety. All sibs are equally likely to be involved in sports, but younger ones are likelier to choose the kinds that could cause injury. “They don’t go out for tennis,” Sulloway says. “They go out for rugby, ice hockey. Even when siblings play the same sport, they play it differently.” Research by Ben Dattner, a professor of industrial and organizational psychology at New York University, is showing that even when later-borns take conservative jobs, they approach their work in a high-wire way. Firstborn CEOs, for
  example, do best when they’re making 16)incremental improvements in their companies: shedding
  underperforming products, maximizing profits from existing lines and generally making sure the trains run on time. Later-born CEOs are more inclined to blow up the trains and lay new track. “Later-borns are better at transformational change,” says Dattner. “They pursue riskier, more innovative, more creative approaches.”
  If eldest sibs are the dogged achievers and youngest sibs are the gamblers and visionaries, where does this leave those in between? That it’s so hard to define what middle-borns become is largely due to the fact that it’s so hard to define who they are growing up. The youngest in the family, but only until someone else comes along, they are both teacher and student, babysitter and babysat, too young for the privileges of the firstborn but too old for the latitude given the last. Middle children are expected to 17)step up to the plate when the eldest child goes off to school or in some other way drops out of the picture. Middlings are never alone and thus never get 100% of the parents’ investment of time and money.



A moment of dance is like 1)droplets of water thrown on a very hot grill. There’s a bounce and a 2)hiss and then the water has evaporated, leaving no 3)imprint of its existence.   Dance is a 4)one-off
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当我第一次见到你时,我们都还很年轻  我闭上眼,往事开始在我脑海里一幕幕回放  炎炎夏日,我站在阳台上    看着一盏盏的灯,看着派对和舞会礼服  看见你穿过拥挤的人群跟我打招呼  我一点也不知道    你就是罗密欧,在扔小石子呼唤我  我爸爸说:“离朱丽叶远点。”  我在楼梯上哭了,求你不要离开    *我说  罗密欧,带我去一个我们能独处的地方  我会等待的,现在能做的只有逃跑了  你会成为王
如果你的真命天子迟迟未到  如果你沮丧时需要一个人在身边  如果你独自一人,在等待爱的滋润  如果你打电话给朋友却没人在家  在暴风雨来临的孤独夜晚  你可以逃离但不能躲藏  我告诉你,一切都是命中注定  生命中最美好的东西,都会自来自去    *但如果你想哭泣  就在我肩上哭泣  如果你需要别人的关怀  如果你感到悲伤,心也变得更冰冷  是的,我会让你感受到真爱的力量*    如果你的天空阴沉,
Everyone has the same basic needs and emotions. We must put aside our differences and come together as one in peace, understanding and tolerance.  —Susan Polis Schutz    We Need to Feel More    We nee
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