
来源 :商用汽车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fujilee
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2008年,这个对中华民族来说充满大喜大悲的年份终于完成自己的历史使命,消失于时间的长河之中。回顾这一年,客车行业发生了太多的大事:年初冰雪灾害和5·12汶川地震导致的局部地区产品滞销,第1季度原材料大幅上涨导致的部分供应商中断供货,国Ⅲ实施前订单激增和实施后订单急剧下滑的鲜明对比,人民币升值和全球金融危机导致的出口形势不断恶化,奥运采购形成的市场透支,以及燃油税改革的最终实施。面对种种困难,各家客车生产企业都经受了前所未有的考验和锻炼,最终行业整体销售业绩小幅报收。本刊特意邀请部分主流客车生产企业的老总,对2008年客车行业和自身企业的所作所为、所思所想进行回顾,并在此基础上对2009年进行展望,希望对行业的健康有序发展有所裨益。 In 2008, this year, full of great joy and compassion for the Chinese nation, finally completed its historical mission and disappeared into the long river of time. Reviewing this year, too many major events occurred in the bus industry: the snowstorms at the beginning of the year and the sluggish sales in some areas caused by the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake and the suspension of supply by some suppliers due to the sharp rise in raw materials in the first quarter, the pre-implementation orders The sharp contrast between the sharp surge in orders and the sharp decline in orders after implementation, the deteriorating export situation caused by the appreciation of the renminbi and the global financial crisis, the market overdraft caused by the Olympic procurement, and the final implementation of the fuel tax reform. Faced with various difficulties, all bus manufacturers have withstood the test and exercise of the unprecedented, the final industry overall sales slightly remitted. This magazine specifically invited some of the mainstream bus manufacturers CEOs, the bus industry in 2008 and their own businesses, what they want to review, and on this basis, the outlook for 2009, hoping for the industry’s health and order Development has benefited.
抑郁症是常见的精神疾病之一,普通人群的终身患病率一般在15%左右,女性高达25%。半个世纪以来,抑郁症生物学基础的主要解释是单胺递质异常假说,主要涉及去甲肾上腺素及5-羟色胺。近年来,多层面的研究显示,神经营养因子家族中的脑源性神经营养因子(brain derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)在抑郁症发病以及抗抑郁药治疗机制中均起着重要作用[1]。
介绍GTL 91 8固定床汽油脱硫醇助剂在广州石油化工总厂脱硫醇装置上进行工业应用的情况。结果表明 :GTL 91 8助剂对原料适应性强 ,产品合格率高 ,能显著延长催化剂床层使用寿