夏季气候炎热,光照强,雨水多,是芳香型喜热花卉的最适生长期,其花繁叶茂、芳香宜人,带给人们清凉和回归自然之感。下面介绍几种常见夏季香花的盆栽养护要诀。1白兰花 (黄桷兰) 又名白花、缅桂、把儿花、黄葛兰、白玉花等,木兰科含笑属常绿乔木,极适合南方及重庆地区
Summer hot climate, strong light, rain and more, is the most suitable for the hot season of aromatic flowers growing season, its flourish, fragrant and pleasant, bringing people cool and return to nature. Here are some common summer fragrant pot conservation tips. 1 white orchid (yellow orchid), also known as white flowers, Myanmar-Gui, the children spend, Huang Gulan, white jade flowers, Magnolia Branch Michelia is an evergreen tree, very suitable for the South and Chongqing