针对帽形弯曲成形 ,建立了弯曲与反弯曲的几何模型 ,分析了板坯多角弯曲时的弯曲和反弯曲现象 ,给出了产生反弯曲变形的判定条件。在此基础上 ,进一步研究了锥形件拉深成形中的弯曲与反弯曲问题 ,指出了在拉深初期并不产生反弯曲变形。计算拉深力时 ,应首先判断是否产生了反弯曲变形 ,然后再考虑反弯曲变形对成形过程的影响
For the hat-bending forming, the geometric model of bending and anti-bending is established. The bending and anti-bending of the slab during multi-angle bending are analyzed, and the conditions of the anti-bending deformation are given. On the basis of this, the problems of bending and anti-bending in conical part deep drawing are further studied, and it is pointed out that there is no anti-bending deformation in the initial stage of drawing. Calculate the drawing force, you should first determine whether the anti-bending deformation, and then consider the anti-bending deformation of the forming process