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奉仙观荆梁北街把整个秋天的阳光都牵到奉仙观的石兽面前受戒,绿树在道法自然的微风里修道,青苔静下心,在尘埃的低处打开渺小的妙悟。山门敞开,道家的气势,如同此时的敞亮,让一个个南来北往的香客,崇尚内心的神往。青石板整齐排列,圆滑的釉面,脚步,让花草探出今秋最后的光芒。碑亭是石头展示时代的脚印,那些汉字,那 Jingxian view Jing Liang North Street to the entire autumn sun are taken to Fengxian view of the stone animals in front of the abstinence, the green trees in the natural breeze in the Taoism, moss to stop the heart, open the small wonder in the dust of the magical realization. Open the mountain gate, the Taoist momentum, as at this time the light and spacious, so that a pilgrims from south to north, advocating inwardly fascinated. Quartz neatly arranged, smooth glazed, footsteps, so that the flowers explore the last rays of autumn. Beiting is the footprints of the stone show era, those Chinese characters, that
清晨,一群不速之客  被一阵嘈杂叫醒,原来阳台上来了一群不速之客。  很多年没见到它们了,它们容颜没有太多改变,装束简朴的作风依然坚持。  它们的语速还是那么快,底气还是那么足。  它们说着节气,说着收成,偶尔为某个不同观点,陷入沉默一小会儿。  听到它们的活,我就想起老家外出打工的亲戚们,它们部有一样的境遇。  抓一把小米,我想打开纱窗,请它们吃顿饱饭,而它们谁都不曾低下头去啄。  在尊严面前,