A New Modern Yunnan Drama “Jieshuolifang”, created and produced by the Yunnan Provincial Theater of Yunnan, tells the story of friendship and separation between Zhu De and Yunnan Huainan anti-Japanese star Tuanghuai Huai and historical facts about the common anti-Japanese struggle between the KMT and CPC. On August 20, 2011, Yunnan On August 21, Yunnan Provincial CPPCC, Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture, Yunnan Provincial Party Committee of Agriculture, Workers’ Democratic Party and Yunnan Dian Theater jointly held the “Yunnan Opera” performance. Art inheritance and development cum “Jerry” solicit opinions forum. “ More than 50 leaders from Yunnan Provincial CPPCC, as well as experts from the theater, literary and art circles, and historians in Yunnan Province, and more than 50 prominent members of the ”Juggernautou" made speeches on the ideological, artistic and artistic inheritance and development of the art of Yunnan opera. Discussion.