
来源 :党史资料与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uestchujun
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近两年,在“四·一二”政变的研究中出现了一些与原来的观点大不相同的新看法,其中有两种观点尤为引人注目:一是认为日本的“币原外交”在促成“四·一二”政变中起主导作用,否定了虞洽卿“衔英美日帝国主义使命”到南昌拉拢蒋介石“反共灭共”的传统说法.这种看法认为,当中国大革命危及帝国主义在华南的统治时,英美日等列强企图扼杀这场革命.但由于列强在 In the past two years, some new opinions differing from the original view have emerged in the study of the “April 12” coup. There are two kinds of views that are particularly noticeable: the first is that Japan’s “ Diplomacy ”played a leading role in the coup d’état that led to the“ April 12 ”coup and denied the traditional version of Yu Qia-qing’s“ mission of winning imperialism in Britain, the United States and Japan ”and Nanking’s efforts to win Chiang Kai-shek and“ oppose communism and eliminate communism. ” Argues that when the Chinese revolution jeopardized the rule of imperialism in southern China, the powers such as Britain, the United States and Japan tried to stifle the revolution, but as the powers