美国伊利诺州巴灵顿市雷康光学公司的业务是为美国政府制造空中侦察摄影机,这种摄影机能从110公里高空拍摄地面的目标,是美国国防的重要器材。然而该公司却无法阻止工业间谍把公司的商业机密窃走。 1984年,雷康公司获得美国国防部的批准,与以色列政府签署4000万美元的合约,生产一种比旧型机性能强一倍的新侦察摄影机。以色列可以在工厂内派驻三名空军军官,可是不
The business of Raycon Optical Company in Barrington, Illinois, USA, is to create an aerial reconnaissance camera for the U.S. government. This camera can shoot the ground from an altitude of 110 kilometers and is an important equipment for U.S. defense. However, the company can not stop industrial spies from stealing the company’s trade secrets. In 1984, with approval from the U.S. Department of Defense, the company signed a $ 40 million contract with the Israeli government to produce a new reconnaissance camera that doubles the performance of older machines. Israel can send three Air Force officers inside the factory, but no