乌托邦型公共知识分子的出场与大步登上历史舞台 ,是 2 0世纪上半叶中国社会历史的奇观 :它开始是乌托邦观念的制造者与提供者 ,而后来成为意识形态的发言人与辩护者。中国现代知识分子从乌托邦话语到意识形态话语的转变 ,意味着中国人文知识分子“谱系”的断裂。历史上 ,中国人文知识分子曾是社会终极价值与意义的维护者与阐释者。今天 ,中国现代人文知识分子应当重建与历史的联系 ,在价值承担上向传统回归。这要求它实现三种转变 :1.从启蒙心态到教化心态的转变 ;2 .从“中心—边缘”意识到“守望”意识的转变 ;3.从政治权力取向到社会公共领域取向的转变
The emergence and stride of Utopian public intellectuals onto the stage of history are the spectacle of Chinese social history in the first half of the 20th century: it began as the maker and provider of utopian notions and later became the spokesman and defense of ideology By. The transformation of Chinese modern intellectuals from utopian discourse to ideological discourse means the break of the “pedigree” of Chinese humanistic intellectuals. Historically, Chinese intellectuals have been the defenders and interpreters of the ultimate value and significance of society. Today, Chinese modern humanistic intellectuals should rebuild their ties with history and return to tradition on the assumption of value. This requires it to achieve three kinds of changes: 1. From the enlightenment mentality to the educational psychology of the change; 2. From the “center - edge” aware of the “watch” awareness of the change; 3. From political power to social public domain orientation change