古代有—位皇帝,在他的治理下国家一片繁荣。因此每年各地都要进贡 许多黄金,用来为民造福。这一年共有十个省进贡,每个省进贡一千两黄金。 按照皇帝的要求,各地使臣将一千两黄金分别装在十个箱子里,每个箱子一 百两,每一块黄金重一两。 谁知,就在使臣们交上黄金的当天夜里,皇帝忽然收到一封密信,说有一 个使臣在每块黄金上都偷偷割去一钱,但用肉眼却看不出来。皇帝读完这封
In ancient times - a bit of emperor, in his governance under the country's prosperity. Every year, therefore, many tribulations are to be made for the benefit of the people. Ten tributes were made this year, each province contributing a thousand and two gold. According to the emperor's request, the ambassadors in all places put 1,000 pieces of gold in ten boxes, one hundred and two in each box, and each piece of gold weighs one or two. Surprisingly, on the very night when the envoys were handed over gold, the emperor suddenly received a secret letter saying that an envoy had secretly cut off a piece of money for every piece of gold, but it could not be seen with the naked eye. Emperor read this seal