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[目的]对某大型钢铁企业主要生产岗位进行职业危害岗位分级,为企业职业卫生分级管理提供科学有效的依据。[方法]收集汇总2012—2014年某大型钢铁企业的职业病危害因素定期监测结果,首先依据国家职业病危害作业分级标准将各生产岗位分为5级作业,然后简化为职业病危害程度为一般、较重、严重等3级岗位,并进一步提出岗位分级管理措施,探讨职业卫生分级管理的应用。[结果]该企业职业病危害因素包括生产性粉尘(电焊烟尘、煤尘、矽尘、石灰石粉尘及其他粉尘)、生产性毒物(一氧化碳、硫酸、盐酸、溶剂汽油、苯、氰化氢、氰化物、氨、硫化氢、砷、铬和焦炉逸散物等)和有害物理因素(噪声、高温、X射线、γ射线等)。职业病危害因素作业分级结果显示,噪声和高温是该钢铁企业的主要职业病危害因素。职业危害岗位分级结果显示,一般、较重和严重职业危害岗位共669个、271个和288个,分别占总数的54.5%、22.1%和23.4%。[结论]简化后的职业危害岗位分级方法操作性强,可为企业的职业卫生分级管理提供有效依据。 [Objective] To classify occupational hazards in the main production positions of a large iron and steel enterprise and provide a scientific and effective basis for the classification management of occupational health in enterprises. [Methods] Collecting and summarizing the regular monitoring results of occupational hazards in a large iron and steel enterprise from 2012 to 2014. First, according to the classification standard of occupational hazards in the country, each production position is divided into 5 levels and then reduced to a general level of occupational hazard, , Serious and other three posts, and further proposed job classification management measures to explore the application of occupational health classification management. [Results] The occupational hazards of the enterprise included productive dust (welding dust, coal dust, silica dust, limestone dust and other dusts), production toxicants (carbon monoxide, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, solvent gasoline, benzene, hydrogen cyanide, cyanide , Ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, arsenic, chromium and coke oven emissions, etc.) and harmful physical factors (noise, heat, X-rays, gamma rays, etc.). Occupational disease risk factors operating classification results show that noise and high temperature is the major occupational hazards of the steel business. Occupational hazard classification results show that, in general, heavier and serious occupational hazards of a total of 669, 271 and 288, accounting for 54.5%, respectively, 22.1% and 23.4%. [Conclusion] The simplified post occupational hazard classification method has strong operability, which can provide an effective basis for the enterprise occupational health classification management.
肝门部胆管癌能不能切除 ,是根治性切除还是姑息性切除在不同的医院和不同医生之间的判断和选择上有一定的差别 ,尤其是能不能切除的界线评判上更有显著的不同 ,这对临床的治
5月21日晚,首届“常熟杯”中国男装设计大赛在常熟时尚中心炫丽落幕。  之前的一段时间里,在常熟各大商业体的大屏幕上,都滚动播放着首届“常熟杯”中国男装设计大赛导师见面会视频短片。几位重量级导师光环,与各位设计师选手以及大赛持续推进所带来的时尚气氛,都已经通过这些滚动播出的短片,融入到了常熟的商业氛围中,为常熟带来了一缕时尚的清风。  总决赛当晚,来自常熟的男装设计师陈振富摘得桂冠,他的作品实用而
在急性心肌梗死(AMI)急性期和亚急性期出现ST段抬高、T波倒置及Q波等,但在心肌梗死慢性期一些患者T波恢复正常,而有的患者T波持续倒置.对AMI 后T波的变化与左室心功能之间关
高位胆管狭窄是指病变累及左、右肝管汇合部和胆总管起始段约1 cm范围内的胆管狭窄,病因主要包括肝门部胆管癌和转移癌,医源性胆管狭窄,胆管炎症、结石性狭窄等.高位胆管狭窄