In recent years, we found that there are many problems in the development of hawthorn, especially hawthorn development of new areas, due to slow growth after blind cultivation can not be timely gain benefits, resulting in manpower, material and economic losses, for this reason, today Hawthorn should pay attention to the following three questions. First, the choice of species At present, many varieties of hawthorn, in terms of quality and high yield varieties vary widely. In recent years, some scientific research units carried out plant pan-selection of excellent varieties of hawthorn, and successively passed provincial and various regions identified as Liaohong, Xifenghong, Mopan, Venus, Tianshui, Hanfeng, Niuxinghong, Kaiyuan Red, purple jade, etc., these varieties of fruit of good quality, high yield, a wide range of cultivation, is our province to promote and promote the fine varieties.