1.在抽象空洞的说教上做“减法”,在直观形象的感知上做“加法”。 小学语文教材中的部分历史、地理及民俗知识离学生的生活实际较远,抽象空洞的说教难以唤起学生的情感共鸣。小学生的思维以形象性为主,直观形象的事物更能激发他们的好奇心。因此,教学中要重视图片、实物、录像、录音及多媒体手段的运用,积极创设情境,拉近学生与知识之间的距离。
1. To do “subtraction” in abstract and empty preaching, and to make “addition” in the perception of the visual image. Part of history, geography and folklore in primary school textbooks is far from the life of students. It is difficult for abstract abstract teaching to arouse the emotional resonance of students. The thinking of primary school students is mainly based on the image, and the visual images can stimulate their curiosity. Therefore, teaching should pay attention to the use of pictures, in-kind, video, audio recording and multimedia, and actively create situations to narrow the distance between students and knowledge.