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从先秦至唐宋“中、间”由普通名词而方位名词,进而逐渐虚化为黏着的后置词。在隐喻机制作用下,两词由表空间扩展到表时间,再由表时间的词汇义演化为表时体的语法义,又因频繁附着于谓词性词语后面开始向体标记发展。结构助词+方位名词的“之中、之间”在高频连用和双音化作用下逐渐融合为双音节后置词。“中、间”的发展趋势是趋同、中和,但在表达上也存在分工互补的倾向。由于音节构造和源语义积淀等因素,“中、间”比“之中、之间”更适宜附在谓词后表持续义,而“中”又比“间”更适合在表前景信息的主句谓语后面充当持续体标记。 From Pre-Qin to Tang and Song “middle, ” by the common noun and noun, and then gradually become the adhesive postpositional. Under the action of metaphor, the two words extend from the table space to the table time, and then evolve from the lexical meaning of the time of the table into the grammatical meanings of the table body, which then start to develop into the body mark after being frequently attached to the predicate words. Structural subunits + azimuth noun “, between ” in the high-frequency and dual-sound effect gradually merged into two-syllable postposition. The development trend of “middle and middle” is convergence and neutralization, but there is also a tendency of division of labor and complementarity in the expression. Because of the syllable structure and source semantic accumulation, among “”, “” than “between,” is more appropriate to be attached to the predicate after the continuation of the table, and “in ” than More suitable as a continuation tag after the main predicate of the table foreground message.