采用大量青贮玉米,搭配适量的青草和多汁料,饲喂奶牛,可以充分发挥奶牛的高产性能,高产牛每年产奶最高可达5吨。现将制作玉米青贮饲料经验介绍如下: 青贮条件玉米青贮时间从9月份到次年5月份,在这样长的天数中,要保证青贮玉米良好,必须掌握下列几个条件: (1)排除窖内空气,造成厌气状态。玉米青贮窖好象是一个抽掉空气的罐头,一定要把空气排出。如果窖内残留氧气,被切碎的玉米细胞的呼吸作用所吸收,就会使青贮
With a large amount of silage corn, with the right amount of grass and juicy ingredients, feeding dairy cows, can give full play to the high yield of dairy cows, high-yielding cows milk up to 5 tons per year. The experience of making corn silage now is as follows: Silage conditions Corn silage time from September to May next year, in such a long number of days, to ensure good silage corn, must grasp the following conditions: (1) exclusion pit Air, causing anaerobic state. The corn silo seems to be a can of pumped air and must be drained of air. If the residual oxygen in the cellar is absorbed by the respiration of the shredded corn cells, the silage