国家教委颁布的现行中小学体育教学大纲,明确规定中小学体育教学内容应包括体育理论知识(小学称为体育常识,中学称为体育基础知识),并将其列入书面考核范围之内(小学一、二年级除外),考核成绩作为体育总成绩的一部分。如何抓好体育理论知识教学和考核工作有待于大家去探索。现将我们近四年来的一些做法简介于下: 1.转变观念。建国以来多次颁发的大纲都未规定体育理论知识需
The current primary and middle school physical education syllabus promulgated by the State Education Commission clearly stipulates that primary and secondary physical education teaching contents should include knowledge of sports theory (primary education is called sports knowledge and secondary education is basic knowledge of sports), and be included in the written examination range First and second grade), the examination results as part of the total score of sports. How to do a good job teaching and assessment of theoretical knowledge of sports to be explored. Here is a brief overview of some of our practices over the past four years: 1. Change perceptions. The outline issued repeatedly since the founding of the People’s Republic of China did not stipulate the knowledge of sports theory