1 自汗黄某某 ,女 ,50岁 ,1998年 7月 2 9日初诊。日间多汗 ,动则更甚 ,伴阵发性烘热 ,随之汗出浸衣 ,日发数次 ,脘腹胀满 ,口干欲饮 ,饮食尚可 ,二便正常 ,舌红、苔黄腻 ,脉弦滑微数。此乃湿热郁遏 ,气机不畅 ,宜清利湿热 ,宣畅气机 ,三仁汤化裁。处方 :白蔻仁 10 g,杏仁 10
1 Self-perspiration Huang Moumou, female, 50 years old, newly diagnosed on July 29, 1998. More sweating during the day, even more moving, with paroxysmal heat, followed by sweating, soaking, several times a day, abdominal distension, dry mouth to drink, the diet is acceptable, two will be normal, red tongue, moss Yellow greasy, slightly slippery pulse string. This is a hot and humid depression, air machine is not smooth, should clear hot and damp heat, Xuan Chang air machine, Sanren Decoction. Prescription : White Bark 10 g, almonds 10