2016年1月中旬,我获得了一次到位于苏格兰北海之滨的石油重镇阿伯丁学习的机会。在短短的十几天里,我们参观了阿伯丁海洋博物馆;到罗伯特·戈登大学和Foth Vallege College(富智谷职业教育学院)以及中英合资的英士利petroineos炼油化工企业学习、交流:现场体验了英国FALCK公司对应急处理人员的培训方法和设施。这次游学,通过听取相关人员介绍、双方交流互动、实地参观体验等学习方式,使我们对于英国解决问题的理念和方式有了更深刻的了解和体会。
In mid-January 2016 I was given an opportunity to study in Aberdeen, an oil town on the shores of the North Sea in Scotland. In just over a dozen days, we visited the Aberdeen Maritime Museum; studied and exchanged with Robert Gordon University and Foth Vallege College as well as the Sino-British joint venture, the Petrochemical Petroineos Refining and Chemical Company : On-site experience of the British FALCK company emergency response training methods and facilities. This study tour has given us a deeper understanding and understanding of the concept and method of problem solving in the UK by listening to relevant personnel, exchanging ideas and exchanging experiences on both sides.