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目的:通过疫情分析研究,了解近年来山丹县人间布鲁氏菌病的流行特点,积极制定预防控制策略和措施,为进一步做好我县布病防控提供科学依据。结果:山丹县2016年人间布病发病率11.6%10万,居乙类传染病第四位,发病的高峰为春、夏季节,以农牧区男性为主,人间布病疫情回升与我县城乡畜牧业近年来的快速发展密切相关。结论:我县近年来由于畜牧业的发展,人间布病疫情显著上升,如不及时防控,反过来又制约着畜牧业的发展,危害人民健康。因此,加强政府领导,卫生与畜牧紧密配合,全面从根本上落实各项防控措施,及时发现传染源,切断传播途径,保护易感人群,将对保护我县广大人民群众身体健康和生命安全,促进经济社会发展具有重要意义和价值。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the epidemiological characteristics of human brucellosis in Shandan County in recent years through epidemic situation analysis and analysis, and actively develop preventive and control strategies and measures to provide a scientific basis for further prevention and control of brucellosis in our county. Results: The incidence rate of human brucellosis in 2016 was 11.6% and 100000 in Shandan County, ranking the fourth in category B infectious diseases. The peak incidence was spring and summer seasons. The epidemic situation of human brucellosis rose with me County animal husbandry in recent years the rapid development is closely related. Conclusion: In recent years, due to the development of animal husbandry in our county, the epidemic of human brucellosis has risen significantly. If not prevented and controlled in time, it will in turn restrict the development of animal husbandry and endanger the health of the people. Therefore, strengthening government leadership, closely cooperating with health and animal husbandry, comprehensively and fundamentally implementing various prevention and control measures, finding out the source of infection in a timely manner, cutting off the route of transmission, and protecting vulnerable populations will be of great help in protecting the health and safety of the broad masses of our people , Promote economic and social development of great significance and value.
“不要问我从哪里来,我的故乡在远方。为什么流浪,流浪远方?”这首台湾作家三毛所写的《橄榄树》曾广为传唱,谁听了都为三毛的浪漫情怀感动。然而,现实并不浪漫。 当我们悄
一 引言  随着我国工业化和城镇化建设进程的加快,职业教育跨区域合作办学越来越引起全社会的广泛关注。新疆作为西部欠发达地区,其收入水平、产业结构、信息化程度、科技创新能力及教育等方面较滞后,职业教育地区之间发展也不平衡,整体上还处于一个较低的水平。《国务院关于大力发展职业教育的决定》明确提出“积极开展城市对农村、东部对西部职业教育对口支援工作”“进一步推进东西部之间、城乡之间职业院校的联合招生、合
玩是我的天性,从读书时起,我就和游戏结成了朋友,由此对电脑发生兴趣,继而考上大学,专业也是电脑,毕业后又和网络泡在一起。 读书时,电脑是稀罕物,有关的读物也是凤毛麟角,
Objective. In this study, we investigated the presence of high- risk (HR) HPV types most prevalent in the Hungarian population in surgically removed cervical ca