Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium for Methyldichlorosi-lane+Methylvinyldichlorosilane+Toluene and Co

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jack_123456
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Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) for a ternary system of methyldichlorosilane + methylvinyldichlorosi-lane + toluene and constituent binary systems were measured at 101.3kPa using a new type of magnetical pump-ebulliometer. The equilibrium compositions of the vapor phase of binary systems were calculated indirectly from the total pressure-temperature-liquid composition (pTx). The experimental data were correlated with the Wilson and NRTL(non-random two liquid) equations. The parameters of the Wilson model were employed to predict the ternary VLE data. The calculated boiling points were in good agreement with the experimental ones. Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) for a ternary system of methyldichlorosilane + methylvinyldichlorosi-lane + toluene and constituent binary systems were measured at 101.3 kPa using a new type of magnetical pump-ebulliometer. The equilibrium compositions of the vapor phase of binary systems were calculated The parameters of the Wilson model were employed to predict the ternary VLE data. The calculated data were correlated with the Wilson and NRTL (non-random two liquid) equations. boiling points were in good agreement with the experimental ones.
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