金乡县林保站研究榆树叶部害虫——榆跳象(Rhynchaenus alni Linaeus)摸清了生物学特性及防治技术。 榆跳象在金乡县1年发生1代。4月上旬越冬成虫出蛰,6月下旬大多数当年成虫开始潜伏蛰居。成虫期和幼虫期均危害榆叶,发生量大,百叶虫口均在百头以上,危害严重。防治试验结果表明,氧化乐果、乐果、甲胺磷原液杀虫率在90%以上,用2倍液杀
Jinxiang County Forestry Research Station Ulmus leaf pests - Yu jump elephant (Rhynchaenus alni Linaeus) to find out the biological characteristics and prevention and treatment techniques. Elm jumping like a year in Jinxiang County 1 generation. In early April, the overwintering adult was stinging out. In late June, most of the adult adults began to lurk in their habitat. Adult stage and larvae all endangered elm leaf, the occurrence of large, Bai Zhaizhu mouth are more than one hundred, serious harm. Control test results show that the omethoate, dimethoate, methamidophos pesticide insecticidal rate of 90% or more, with 2 times kill