The contents of sulfatine and isopsoralen in Bushenyinnao Capsules were determined by high performance agrochemical chromatography to control the quality of the formulation. Methods: Ketosorcin and isopsoralen were separated by octadecyl-silica gel column. The mobile phase was methanol-water (45:55). The detection wavelength was 245nm. RESULTS: The peak heights of the peaks of the ointment and ibuprost and other components were 1.2, and the theoretical plate number was 4700 for both ointment and isoflavone peaks. Linear range: Filling cream 0.022 ~ 0.176μg isopsoralen 0.0204 ~ 0.163μg. The average recovery rate of pectin was 101.0%, RSD was 2.44% (n=6), the average recovery rate of isosorbide was 101.4%, and RSD was 2.73% (n=6). Conclusion: This method is simple, rapid and applicable to the quality analysis of the product.