“温古知新”,这四个寓意深邃的大字,是已故日本前首相大平正芳先生两年前访华时为陕西省博物馆所作的题词。这可以说是这位日本著名政治家具有远见卓识的日中友好观。 这位中国人民的老明友离开我们已经一年多了。今年四月,正当日本前首相田中角荣赠植的大山樱在北京破蕊吐艳之时,大平先生的夫人大平志华子,带着两个儿子和儿媳、一个女儿和女婿,还有大平先生的弟弟,应邀全家前来中国访问,使我们得以再一次
“Wulugu new”, these four profound meaning of the characters, the late former Japanese Prime Minister Tomohiro Chingchong visited China two years ago for the Shaanxi Provincial Museum made an inscription. This can be said that this famous Japanese politician has a far-sighted Japan-China friendship concept. It has been over a year since the old Chinese friend of the Chinese people left us. In April of this year, at the time when the former Japanese Prime Minister, Takako Tanaka, who had been donated by Tanaka Kakuei, spat out her tears in Beijing, Mr. Ohira’s wife, Ohira Kanazawa, took her two sons and daughter-in-law, one daughter and son-in-law, My brother’s brother, invited the whole family to visit China so that we can once again