Theoretical Investigation on the Relationship between the Structures and Antioxidant Activities of M

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong569
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The geometry of myricetin and dihydromyricetin was optimized by DMol3 program based on DFT. The optimized structures have been proved to be stable by real frequencies obtained.The parameters of geometry optimization,vibration frequencies,atomic charges,thermodynamics,Fukui functions,and frontier molecular orbital had been obtained. The thermodynamic properties of 2 molecules were fitted and the relationship between the thermodynamic function and temperature was obtained. The correlation coefficient of the obtained equations is larger than 0.99,indicating that the function is approximately linear in the whole temperature range. The calculated results showed the O–H molecular structures were the main group affecting the antioxidant activity and the oxygen in the benzene ring is the electrophilic reaction site. Ortho-OH on the benzene formed intramolecular hydrogen bonds,which contributed to the stability of the benzene ring. It may be the active site for the occurrence of the reaction. The geometry of myricetin and dihydromyricetin was optimized by DMol3 program based on DFT. The optimized structures have been proved to be stable by real signals obtained. The parameters of geometry optimization, vibration frequencies, atomic charges, thermodynamics, Fukui functions, and frontier molecular orbital had been obtained. The thermodynamic properties of 2 molecules were fitted and the relationship between the thermodynamic function and temperature was obtained. The correlation coefficient of the obtained equations is larger than 0.99, indicating that the function is approximately linear in the whole temperature range. calculated results showed the O-H molecular structures were the main group affecting the antioxidant activity and the oxygen in the benzene ring is the electrophilic reaction site. Ortho-OH on the benzene formed intramolecular hydrogen bonds, which contributed to the stability of the benzene ring It may be the active site for the occurrence of the reaction.
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提升项目党建活力必须从提高认识上找思路、从找准问题上下功夫、从破解难题上求突破。  工程项目是施工企业的管理基础、效益源头、创誉阵地和形象窗口,也是国有企业党建工作的重要阵地和舞台。由于工程项目具有复杂性、流动性和开放性等特点,这些特点决定了工程项目管理是一个不断变化的动态控制过程,也决定着工程项目党建工作要结合项目的具体特点,因地制宜、有的放矢,使党组织的政治核心、战斗堡垒和党员的先锋模范作用在
本文就目前高中英语教学中存在的淡化语法的的倾向,来谈论语法教学的重要性,以及简单归纳了一下自己在语法教学中的一些做法。 This article talks about the importance of