组织即兴(organizational improvisation)是一个新兴的但对组织来说极具价值的研究领域,对于组织学习及战略变革机制等研究也有着重要的拓展意义。尽管国外相关研究已经展开,但目前研究较为分散和混乱。本文在对现有文献进行梳理的基础上,对组织即兴的概念内涵、特征、类型以及层次划分进行了归纳总结,并且评价了组织即兴与组织学习、组织记忆、组织创新以及战略变革间的相关关系,旨在能为组织即兴的深入研究提供某些借鉴,同时为企业管理实践开拓新的思路。
Organizational improvisation is a new research field that is of great value to the organization. It also has important implications for the study of organizational learning and the mechanism of strategic change. Although related research abroad has been started, but the current research is more scattered and chaotic. On the basis of reviewing the existing literatures, this paper summarizes the connotation, characteristics, types and levels of organization improvisation, and evaluates the correlation between organizational improvisation and organizational learning, organizational memory, organizational innovation and strategic change Relationship, designed to provide some reference for the organization to conduct in-depth research and to open up new ideas for the practice of enterprise management.