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日前在南京召开的省出口商品包装工作会议上,中保财产保险有限公司江苏省分公司通报了江苏省出口商品集装箱运输存在的问题。引起各有关方面注意。 随着国际多式联运的发展,越来越多的地区以集装箱运输代替了散装运输,相应减少了中转、装卸环节,增加了装量,减低了破碎,破包、偷窃、短少等损失。然而,近年来出现了一些新问题: (一捆箱体破旧造成损失 使用了破旧的集装箱造成的损失往往比散装更严重,有时甚至是整箱内的货物全部受损。如某公司出口的2400箱蜡烛,集装箱门到门运输,然而所提供的集装箱可谓“千疮百孔”,致使577箱水湿,货损金额达17556美元。 (二)因集装箱箱体不清洁造成损失 使用了箱体不清洁的集装箱造成的损失时有发生。如:新集装箱内装食用品,严重的漆味造成食物异味;前一航次装的化工原料,下~航次未清理干净就装食品造成污染。有些地区的纺织品是不能有樟脑味的,而因前一航次装运的樟脑品味还残留在箱内致使出运的羽绒衣被客户拒收。再如:某公司出口的医用纱布,由于集装箱内有残留的滑石粉,严重污染了货物,导致200箱纱布全部报废,损失31257美元。 Recently held in Nanjing, the provincial export packaging work conference, PICC Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Branch informed Jiangsu Province, the export container shipping problems. Caused by all parties concerned. With the development of international multimodal transport, more and more regions substitute for bulk transport by container transport, correspondingly reducing the number of transit, loading and unloading links, increasing the loading capacity, and reducing the losses such as crushing, breaking up, stealing and shortening. However, some new problems have arisen in recent years: (One bundle of boxes shabby causing losses The use of worn containers is often more than the bulk of the loss, and sometimes even the entire box of goods damaged, such as a company exports 2400 Box candles, container door-to-door transport, however provided by the container can be described as “riddled with holes”, resulting in 577 boxes of water wet, the amount of damage amounted to $ 17,556 (two) due to the container box does not clean the loss of the use of the box The damage caused by clean containers often occurs, such as: the new containers filled with food, a serious smell of paint caused by the smell of food; the first voyage of loading of chemical raw materials, the next trip unfinished clean food contamination caused .In some areas of textiles Is not able to have camphor taste, but because of the previous voyage shipment of camphor taste still remain in the box so that the shipment of the down jacket was rejected by customers. Another example: a company exports medical gauze, because the container has residual talc , Seriously polluted the goods, resulting in 200 boxes of gauze all scrapped, loss of 31257 US dollars.
吸烟人群肺病三部曲   “慢性支气管炎-肺气肿、肺大泡-慢阻肺”可以说是吸烟人群肺病三部曲,坚持吸烟不戒烟的人,几乎可以肯定会发生这三个疾病过程。  慢性支气管炎 是指支气管长期受到外界吸入的化学物品的侵犯造成的非细菌性炎症。在发病过程中,气管、支气管管壁长期受到外界吸入的有毒有害气体的毒害,逐渐发生缓慢的炎症性变化,管壁增厚并形成疤痕,管壁上皮分泌黏液的细胞增多,分泌浆液的细胞减少,导致痰液黏
目的 分析从人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)确诊到启动治疗时间间隔对艾滋病抗病毒治疗中患者脱失的影响,为指导动员治疗咨询提供参考.方法 对云南省15
手机是人们的常用物品,手机要是丢了会造成很大的麻烦。现在,市场上有各种防盗手机,这种手机真的能防盗吗?其实,它所起的最大的作用是在别人获得你的手机后无法正常使用而已,并不能保证手机绝对无法丢失。不过,称之为防盗也不无道理,因为它能帮助你远程销毁手机中的电话、短信等资料,保证你的秘密不会外泄。  如果你的手机是诺基亚S60平台的智能手机,或微软的PPC手机和Smartphone,那么你可以通过第三方