党的十一届三中全会已胜利召开20周年。20年,在人类的历史上只是短暂的一瞬,但是,在邓小平理论和十一届三中全会正确路线的指引下,我国却发生了天翻地覆的变化就以江苏水利来说,这一古老的行业和新兴的产业又重新焕发了青春,特别是“八五”以来.更是成就辉煌 ——以防洪保安为主的水利基础设施建设步入全面发展的新时期。1991年江淮流域大水后,国务院作出了《进一步治理淮河太湖的决定》,我省抓住机遇,全面兴起以治淮治太为重点的水利建设高潮,兴修了
The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee has its 20th anniversary of victory. In the past 20 years, it has only been a brief moment in the history of mankind. However, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the correct line of the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee, there has been a tremendous change in our country. In the ancient industry of Jiangsu Province, And emerging industries have rejuvenated their youth, especially since the “Eighth Five-Year Plan.” Even more achievements have been made - the construction of water conservancy infrastructure mainly based on flood control and security has entered a new era of all-round development. After the flood of the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River Basin in 1991, the State Council made the “Decision on Further Controlling the Taihu Lake in the Huai River.” The province seized the opportunity to fully raise the climax of water conservancy construction under the rule of Huaiji River and revived