我局在改革开放政策的指引下,紧紧抓住新旧体制转换及铁路大干快上的良好机遇,认真贯彻落实《全民所有制工业企业转换经营机制条例》,队伍的面貌发生了很大的变化。生产迅速发展,效益稳步上升,经营活力不断提高,管理基础明显加强。1993年完成产值达到9.2亿元,实现利税与1992年相比,又翻了一番。全局42个千万元以上的工程项目,没有一个发生亏损的。所属第一、二、三、四、电务工程处均实现了既无外债,又无内债。全局的固定资产总额达30050万元,比“七、五”期末增长一倍。 企业活力的增强,离不开经营机制的转换。这几年,我们本着迈小步、不停步,先基层、后机关,先单项、后配套,循序渐
Under the guidance of the reform and opening up policy, the SIPO has firmly seized upon the opportunities for the transformation of the old and new systems and the rapid development of railways, and has conscientiously implemented the “Regulations on Changing the Operating Mechanism of Ownership-Owned Industrial Enterprises”. The face of the team has undergone great changes. . The rapid development of production, the steady increase in efficiency, the continuous improvement of business dynamism, and the strengthening of the management foundation. In 1993, the output value reached 920 million yuan, and profits and taxes doubled compared with 1992. In the overall 42 projects worth more than 10 million yuan, none of the losses occurred. The First, Second, Third, and Fourth Divisions of the Electrical Engineering Department have achieved neither external debt nor internal debt. The total global fixed assets amounted to 300,500,000 yuan, which was double that at the end of the “7th and 5th” period. The increase in the vitality of enterprises cannot be separated from the transformation of operating mechanisms. In the past few years, we have taken a small step without stopping, first at the grassroots level, and later at the government, first at the individual level, and later at the