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穷追叛徒白鑫彭湃等4人惨遭杀害的消息传出后,引起全党的悲痛。周恩来当即代表党中央起草了题为《以群众的革命斗争回答反革命的屠杀》的告人民书,愤怒揭露国民党反动派残杀彭湃等同志的罪行,沉重哀悼为革命牺牲的烈士,号召人民学习烈士的高贵品质,以实际行动回答反革命 The news of the tragic deaths of 4 traitors, including the imprisoned traitor Bai Xin Peng Pai, has aroused the grief of the entire party. On behalf of the party Central Committee, Zhou Enlai immediately drafted a proclamation on behalf of the party people’s proclamation entitled “Replying to the Anti-revolutionary Massacre with the Revolutionary Mass War” and exposing the crimes of the Kuomintang reactionaries’ killing and killing of comrades such as Peng Pai, profound condolences to the martyrs sacrificed for the revolution, and calling on the people to learn martyr’s noble Quality, practical action to answer the counter-revolution
<正> 2002年8月24日吴某等13人(以下简称吴某等人)将其价值206.4万元的磁砖分别委托武汉某航运有限责任公司(以下简称航运公司)所辖的“昌顺达8号”轮,由晋江市东石港运往营
目的:研究妊娠第5~7周血清糖链蛋白(carbohydrate antigen,Ca)125、人绒毛膜促性腺激素(human chorionic gonadotropin,HCG)和孕酮(progesterone,P)水平预测早期先兆流产患者