羊水栓塞(amniotic fluid embolism,AFE)是产科一种凶险的并发症,是导致孕产妇猝死的主要原因之一[1]。由于临床表现复杂,医生对AFE的认识及诊断水平的不足,AFE病例往往会被误诊为产后出血、产科休克、脑血管意外等,并因未能得到及时有效的处理而延误抢救。近20年来,产科工作者对于AFE的研究逐渐深入,对于早期诊断AFE,改善预后取得了明显效果,死亡率由1995年的60%[2]
Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is a dangerous complication of obstetrics and one of the major causes of maternal sudden death [1]. Due to the complicated clinical manifestations and doctors’ lack of understanding and diagnosis of AFE, AFE patients are often misdiagnosed as postpartum hemorrhage, obstetric shock, cerebrovascular accident, etc., and delayed treatment due to failure to be promptly and effectively treated. In the past two decades, the research on obstetrics and gynecology for AFE has been gradually deepened, and the improvement of prognosis has been achieved with early diagnosis of AFE, with a mortality rate of 60% in 1995 [2]