玉兰(Magnolia denudata Desr.)又名白玉兰,原产我国中部山区,树形优美,花大芳香,是著名的早春花木,也是白兰花,广玉兰的优良砧木。玉兰种子通常在9月上、中旬开始成熟,采集后在室外曝晒2—3天,使蓇葖果开裂,并取出带有红色假种皮的种子。假种皮内含有油脂,用0.5%的碱水浸泡2—3天,浸泡种子容器要放在阴处。待假种皮发软,用手捏假种皮易与种子分离,这时可搓捏清洗,将洗净的种子置室内阴干15—20天后沙藏。种子数量少时可
Magnolia (Magnolia denudata Desr.), Also known as white magnolia, native mountain in central China, beautiful trees, large flowers, is a famous early spring flowers, but also white orchid, Magnolia fine rootstocks. Magnolia seeds usually mature in mid-September and mid-mature. After harvesting, the plants are exposed outdoors for 2-3 days to crack the mango fruits and remove the seeds with the red peel. Fake seed coat contains grease, soaked with 0.5% alkaline water for 2-3 days, soak the seed container should be placed in the shade. Seed coat to be soft, with the pinch-like seed coat and seeds easily separated, then you can squeeze pinch cleaning, washing the seeds home indoors for 15-20 days after the dry sand. When the seed is small