“太感动了,航班上所有旅客和乘务员都沉浸在激昂的情绪中,心潮澎湃的。有种意犹未尽的感觉,真想再飞这趟航班啊……”经过一夜,神情依然激动的 MF8102主任乘务长谢艺彬坐在记者对面激动地讲述8月13日发生在厦航北京——厦门航班上的感人事情。8月13日,厦航 MF8102执行北京——厦门任务,航班客舱在谢艺彬乘务组,包括:赵佳佳、管鉴为、李小玲、庄超、郑伟、褚梦钰等的精心布置下,处处洋溢着浓郁的奥运气息。一张张生动活泼的福娃贴纸被贴上客舱,让一百多名旅客感受到热烈的奥运氛围。据悉,这些旅客多数刚从北京观礼回来,其中有14名美籍游客,而且,国台办主任王毅也搭乘了此次班机。
“So moved, all passengers and flight attendants are immersed in passionate emotions, with an upsurge of emotions, I really want to fly this flight ah ... ” After a night, the expression is still excited MF8102 Xie Yi-bin, chief entertainer, sat across from reporters excitedly about the touching events on Xiamen Airlines’s Xiamen-Xiamen flight on August 13. August 13, Xiamen Airlines MF8102 implementation of the Beijing-Xiamen mission, crew cabin crew in the Xie Yi-bin, including: Zhao Jiajia, Guan Jianwei, Li Xiaoling, Zhuangchao, Zheng Wei, Chu Meng Yu and other well-furnished, everywhere filled with rich Olympic atmosphere. A lively Fuwa stickers were affixed to the cabin, so that more than 100 tourists feel the warm atmosphere of the Olympics. It is learned that most of these tourists just came back from the ceremony in Beijing, of which 14 were American tourists. Moreover, Wang Yi, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office, also took the flight.