在瑞金南路518号上海公安博物馆装备馆里,陈列着一支口径6.35mm的4寸勃朗宁(Browning)手枪,这是革命先行者,中华民国临时大总统孙中山先生曾经用过的自卫用枪,以后又因故授赠于他的秘书萧萱先生。关于这支手枪的查证和确认,还有着一番曲折的故事。 “老档案”的回忆 2000年10月9日,上海市公安局卢湾分局档案室的电话铃声突然响起。电话是上海公安博物馆钱柏椿同志打来的,要求找寻有关中山先生遗存枪支的档案,称卢湾公安分局过去曾交给市公安局一支手枪,很有可能是中山先生过去用过之枪,该枪当时为居民萧绍芬所上交。分局档案室接电后当即查阅档案,但因来电所述上交时间对不上号,查找未果。事关重要,面对浩如烟海的大量档案,却又无从下手,怎么办? 经过商量,决定与分局档案室已退休在家的卢联康同志联系,以取得他的支持。老卢自参加工作以来,在卢湾公安分局从事档案工作已有数十年了,人称“老档案”。
At No. 518 Ruijin South Road, the Shanghai Museum of Public Security Museum, a 4-inch-caliber Browning pistol with a caliber of 6.35mm is displayed. This is a self-defense gun once used by the pioneer revolutionary leader of the Republic of China, Later, for any reason given in his secretary Xiao Xuan. Verification and confirmation of this pistol, there are some twists and turns of the story. “Old files” memories October 9, 2000, Shanghai Public Security Bureau Luwan Branch Office file ring suddenly rang the phone. Calls were made by Comrade Qian Baichun, the Shanghai Public Security Museum, asking for a file on the remnants of the gun of Mr. Zhongshan, saying that the Luwan Public Security Bureau had handed over a pistol to the Municipal Public Security Bureau in the past, most likely the gun Mr. Zhongshan used in the past, The gun was handed over to residents Xiao Shaofen. Branch archives immediately after access to access the file archive, but the call is not on the number of submitted, the search failed. After discussing the matter, he decided to contact Lu Liankang, who has been retired at the branch archives, for his support. Lao Lu since joining the work, Luwan Public Security Bureau has been engaged in file work for decades, known as “the old file.”