一、相关分析技术概述随着科学技术的发展,信号的相关处理近年来有很大的发展,在无线电电子学,地球物理(包括地震学)射电天文学、声学、光学、医学等领域里都用到相关处理,从而促进了测定相关函数的方法能够实现。进而推动了相关分析技术在各个领域更加广泛地应用。 1.信号概念信号是一个物理变量,它的数量或它随时间的变化包含着信息,而信号形式有以电量表示的如电压,电流等,也有以非电量表示的,如速度,加速度等。不管信号的形式
I. Overview of Correlation Analysis Technology With the development of science and technology, the related processing of signals has been greatly developed in recent years. It has been used in the fields of radio electronics, geophysics (including seismology) radio astronomy, acoustics, optics and medicine To the relevant processing, thus facilitating the determination of the correlation function of the method can be achieved. Which in turn promotes the more extensive application of relevant analytical techniques in various fields. 1. Signal Concept A signal is a physical variable whose quantity or its change over time contains information, while the signal form is expressed in terms of battery power, such as voltage and current, as well as non-battery power, such as speed and acceleration. Regardless of the form of the signal