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近年来,随着经济社会快速发展,各种利益相互摩擦、碰撞,群体事件、突发事件时有发生,成为社会关注的热点、焦点问题。这些问题如果得不到及时、公正处理,对立面矛盾激化,会严重困扰着各级政府和司法机关,严重影响该地区社会、经济发展,直接影响社会和谐。在我国经济体制、政治体制改革过程中,各种社会矛盾的发生是不可避免的,突发事件、群体事件虽然是偶发的,但会长期有所发生,必须正确对待,正确处理。这些问 In recent years, with the rapid economic and social development, conflicts of interests, collisions, mass incidents and emergencies have occurred and become the focus and focus of the society. If these issues are not dealt with in a timely and fair manner, the intensification of the contradictions between the two sides will seriously plague the governments at various levels and the judiciary, seriously affecting the social and economic development in the region and directly affecting social harmony. In our country’s economic system and political system reform, the occurrence of various social contradictions is inevitable. Incidents and group incidents, even though they are sporadic, occur in the long run and must be treated correctly and dealt with correctly. These questions
次韵友人清饮即兴  菱花尘翳不须磨,鬓发原知雪覆多。  泉洌烹来亲淡苦,室幽坐久惬微酡。  酒肠已怯邀频饮,诗思偏难拒共哦。  闲看疏轩云远近,香盈玉盏泛春波。  咏金陵次韵弟子马征  龙虎依稀月色昏,黯然王者气何存。  雨花犹自回灯影,云树应能蔽燹痕。  楼外无风堆腐叶,城东有客立崇门。  若经燕子矶旁路,肯把遗羞告子孙?  甲午端午有感和空林子  莫问醒身抑醉身,敢言浊世独清真?  一篇怀古眸