
来源 :广州中医药大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ld2001
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[目的]探讨乳腺癌组织中胎盘型谷胱甘肽转移酶(GST-π)、多药耐药相关蛋白(MRP)、肺耐药蛋白(LRP)及P-糖蛋白(P-gp)4种耐药相关基因的表达情况,分析它们之间及它们与雌激素(ER)、孕激素(PR)、原癌基因C-erbB2、P53 蛋白、肿瘤转移之间的相关性。[方法]收集了103例临床病理确诊为乳腺癌的癌组织标本,患者术前均未经过化疗。采用免疫组织化学方法检测GST-π、MRP、LRP及P-gp的表达情况,与同时检测的ER、PR、C-erbB2、P53等与乳腺癌预后有关的因素进行相关性分析,并将病例按有无淋巴结转移分成2组,分别对2组的GST-π、MRP、LRP、P-gp的表达进行卡方检验。[结果]4种耐药相关基因在乳腺癌组织中均有表达,其阳性率分别为GST-π56.3%、MRP 16.7%、LRP 72.8%、P-gp 57.1%,均以低量表达为主(阳性细胞数小于25%),有、无淋巴结转移2组之间4种耐药相关基因的表达差异均无显著性。仅GST-π表达与C-erbB2、LRP之间及LRP表达与C-erbB2之间存在正相关关系,相关系数分别为r=0.323,r=0.244, r=0.231,其他指标相互间无相关性。[结论]乳腺癌组织的原发多药耐药主要与GST-π、LRP及P-gp的表达有关,化疗前这几种耐药相关基因表达的检测可为化疗药物的选择及预后判断提供参考依据。 [Objective] To investigate the expression of GST-π, MRP, LRP and P-gp in breast cancer tissues To investigate the relationship between the expression of resistance genes and their resistance to estrogen (ER), progesterone (PR), protooncogene C-erbB2, P53 protein and tumor metastasis. [Method] A total of 103 specimens of breast cancer with clinically and pathologically confirmed breast cancer were collected. All patients had not undergone chemotherapy before operation. The expression of GST-π, MRP, LRP and P-gp was detected by immunohistochemical method, and the correlation between the factors related to the prognosis of breast cancer such as ER, PR, C-erbB2 and P53 detected at the same time. According to the presence or absence of lymph node metastasis, the patients were divided into two groups, and the expression of GST-π, MRP, LRP and P-gp in two groups were tested by chi-square test. [Results] The four resistance-related genes were all expressed in breast cancer tissues, the positive rates were GST-π56.3%, MRP 16.7%, LRP 72.8% and P-gp 57.1% There were no significant differences in the expression of the four resistance-related genes between the two groups (less than 25% of the positive cells), with or without lymph node metastasis. There was a positive correlation between GST-π expression and C-erbB2, LRP and between LRP expression and C-erbB2, the correlation coefficients were r = 0.323, r = 0.244, r = 0.231, . [Conclusion] The primary multidrug resistance in breast cancer is mainly related to the expression of GST-π, LRP and P-gp. The detection of these multidrug resistance-related genes before chemotherapy may provide the choice of chemotherapy drugs and prognosis Reference.
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