Read skills in junior high school

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  Reading is an essential ability to learn a language. It is the foundation of mastering a language as well as a main tool to obtain information. It is also a central part of carrying out quality education in the teaching of English in high school. In regard to English teaching, high school is a start to train students’ reading skills and strategies. So, how to teach reading is of great importance. However, because of different reasons, the students’ reading ability in senior high school is weak. It’s very difficult for them to understand an English passage. In other words they don’t know how to read the passage. Reading also plays a very important role in the exam. So most students can only get low marks, Thus the student lose their interest in English. This thesis aims to apply the interactive approach to the English reading through texts. It confirms that the interactive approach can elevate the students reading ability with the right application of it.
  The English Syllabus for High School that our country has promulgated definitely emphasizes the importance of reading in English teaching. The new curriculum standard (2000)reiterates: High school English teaching should make the students’ basic knowledge stronger and develop the four basic language abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, laying emphasis on the training of their reading ability, so that they can have a solid foundation for the further studies and for the use of English in the future, Scholars at home and abroad have made many researches on English reading teaching and have a lot with many related articles and works published, In the light of all these researches and achievements that have achieved and according to the specific way of inquisition analysis and my several years of English reading guided by some modern language teaching theories.
  As the old saying goes, to give a man a fish, he can only eat for a short time .If you tell him how to fish, he will benefit by this for an age. When we teach reading in senior school, we hold the objective to develop students’ language competence of communication with the writer, We should regard reading as an actual developing process of mastering reading skills and strategies, So, the procedure of reading should be student-determined. In reading classes, the teacher should train students how to read and stimulate them to participate in reading and discussing so as to guide them to an active and effective reading. When necessary, students should be instructed to combine what they read in class with what they have learned outside class, so that they can have enough practice in reading. In a reading class ,the training of reading skills and strategies should come first and emphasis should be laid on the analysis and understanding of the context and structure, therefore, in reading classes, students should be taught how to predict, how to think in English and how to extract the certain information purposefully .At the same time, students should analyze the information, reason it logically and then make a correctconclusion of the article so as to comprehend the writer’s aim with accuracy and appreciation. To reach this target , the teacher should adopt the following strategies: Train students to think in English by means of discussing and questioning. Develop students’ reading skills and strategies in the ways of picking out the topic sentences, scanning and predicating. Improve students’ ability of dealing with words through contexts, syntax and word formation. Select the appropriate material to arise students’ interest in reading so as to enlarge their reading practice and solidify their background knowledge .Guide students how to combine their classroom knowledge with their daily life experience in order that they can make a better understanding. Meanwhile, students should be guided to get rid of their bad reading habits and form the good ones.
现代教育引入了以计算机为主的信息技术教学手段,提出了以“超媒体”方式组织教学信息,以“任务驱动”组织教学过程的思想。在传统的教学模式中,教学目标的确立直接指向知识的传授,设计的课堂教学是让学生最大限度地记住与掌握传授的知识。“任务驱动”教学法提出了一种由表及里、逐层深入的学习途径,符合计算机系统的层次性和实用性,因此便于学生循序渐进地学习信息技术的知识和技能。   任务驱动教学模式信息技术    
在当前的初中语文教学实践中,有相当多的教师忽视了课堂上学生对课文的朗读。他们认为学生的朗读能力已经形成,初中阶段无须再行教学,或者认为朗读只是一种教学方法或仅仅把朗读看做一种技巧,甚至认为朗读教学功能有限,对提高学生语文素养没有太大帮助。值得引起我们注意的是这种教学是在《初中语文课程标准》颁布实施几年后仍然出现的为数众多的现象。   初中语文朗读教学       朗读对提高学生语文素质具有重要作用
高质量的提问是教师研究教材与设计教学时思想的结晶,它们具有角度优美,形式多样,内涵深度,激发力强的特点,在教学上能够发挥出高质量的引领,激发,牵动作用。下面就提问的内容和提问的方法作一些探讨。   初中语文提问方法       课堂提问应是平等的对话。居高临下的提问会让学生产生一种距离感,甚至畏惧自己的回答会不会令老师满意,会不会遭来同学们的讥笑,因此教师在提出问题的同时应注意自己语言措词及语气语
文言文教学在高中语文教学中占有举足轻重的地位,无论是新教材还是新读本,文言文都占有较大的比重。近几年来,全国高考语文部分的考试题型、难度、比例也几乎形成模式。明白这些,对于我们的高中文言文教学,将具有积极的指导意义.在新课改的文言文教学中我主要做到以下几点,并取得了一定成效。    新课改高中语文文言文        1.联系史实和相关的背景,以扩充学生见闻,增强学生的求知欲望  高中教材所选的文
助词“着”的应用是对外汉语教学中的一大重点,而对于留学生来说熟练应用和理解助词“着”又是一大难点。之所以会存在这样一种现象,是因为助词“着”本身有着较为复杂的语法意义,而这也是学界一直难以攻克的一大难关,始终没有能够形成一种权威的共识。此外,对外汉语教学中还存在许多有关助词“着”的应用上的难点。本文从助词“着”的语法意义采用和难点分析两反面,对助词“着”在对外汉语教学中的应用展开了分析。   对外
在当今大力提倡“素质教育”,新老教材交替,在学生水平参差不齐、层次高低有别的情况下,如何在具体的实施过程中,让老师充分发挥主导作用,让学生体现主体意识,提高数学课堂效率,是我们初中数学教师必须面对的一项课题。   数学课堂教学效率       在當今大力提倡“素质教育”,新老教材交替,在学生水平参差不齐、层次高低有别的情况下,如何在具体的实施过程中,让老师充分发挥主导作用,让学生体现主体意识,提高
在语文教学中渗透美育是素质教育的一项重要内容。《语文课程标准》明确指出:“语文课程应重视提高学生的品德修养和审美情趣,使他们逐步形成良好的个性和健全的人格,促进德、智、体、美的和谐发展”。很多教育家都把语言教学与美育的阐述联系结合起来。   美育艺术美心灵感应鉴赏美       中学语文是教学内容极为丰富、美育因素较多的一门学科。语文课是一门特殊的文化课,绝大部分课文与人们的思想、理想、情操、精神
优质的作业有助于学生对所学知识的巩固、深化,有利于学生智力和创造才能的开发。教师设计语文作业,既要顾及作业的一般作用与功能,更要注重学生主体作用的发挥,尊重学生的个别差异,改革作业的形式与内容,让语文作业走出反复操练的泥沼,焕发其生命的色彩,从而使每个学生的个性得到充分的发展,学习能力和知识水平都得到提高。    作业注重主体激发兴趣联系生活       在传统的守成性教育思想指导下,作业被视为“
情感教学冲破了传统的教学样式,给学生尽情表达的,与人交往合作,自觉参加活动的机会,同时也为学生提高表达能力,合作能力,组织能力等社会能力的发展提供了有利的条件。   情感创新评价       所谓情感教学,从最根本的涵义上说,就是指教师在教学过程中,在充分考虑认知因素的同时,充分发挥情感因素的积极作用,以完善教学目标、增强教学效果的教学。这就需要教师在组织课堂教学的过程中充分认识和考虑认知因素的同
教学实践告诉我们:高中学生在生理发展和心理特征上的差异是客观存在的;对数学的兴趣和爱好,对数学知识的接受能力的差异也是客观存在的。尤其是普通高中,学生素质参差不齐,又存在能力差异,导致不同学生对知识的领悟与掌握能力的差距很大,这势必对高中阶段的数学教学带来负面影响。   高中数学分层教学        如果在高中数学教学中仍采用“一刀切”,不顾学生水平和能力差异,以为教学就是把学生聚在一起上课,沿