徐悲鸿简介: 徐悲鸿(1895年7月19日-1953年9月26日),原名寿康,江苏宜兴屺亭镇人,中国美术家、美术教育家,中国现代美术的奠基者。少时刻苦学画,后留学法国。曾携中国近代绘画作品赴法、德、比、意及苏联展览。抗日战争期间,屡以己作在国外展售,得款救济祖国难民;并参加民主运动。1931年日军侵华加剧,民族危亡之际,徐悲鸿创作了《九方皋》、《徯我后》、《愚公移山》等,作品赞誉中国民众坚忍不拔的毅力和夺取抗日最后胜利的顽强意志。徐悲鸿长期从事美术教育工作,建国
Xu Beihong Brief introduction: Xu Beihong (July 19, 1895 - September 26, 1953), formerly known as Shoukang, Yixing, Jiangsu Province, Jiuting town, Chinese artist, art educator, founder of Chinese modern art. Less time hard to learn painting, after studying in France. Have brought Chinese modern paintings to France, Germany, Belgium, Italy and the Soviet Union exhibition. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, he repeatedly made his own exhibitions abroad and was paid to help the refugees from the motherland; he also joined the democratic movement. In 1931, when the Japanese invaded China intensified and the nation was in danger, Xu Beihong created “Nine Fong Gao”, “I” and “Yugong Yishan”. His works praised the perseverance of the Chinese people and the stubborn will to win the final victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Xu Beihong has long been engaged in art education, the founding of the country